
2013-01-09 Neurology dxy geniusgodyu

  心脏骤停后常常使用低温疗法进行脑保护,不少患者也会出现抽搐的表现。为了确定脑电图(EEG)分级评分的预后价值以及在心脏骤停后低温治疗(TH)和复温(NT)治疗中根据持续脑电图(cEEG)的发现治疗抽搐的临床转归,美国梅奥诊所神经科的Amy Z.Crepeau博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2013年1月2日的Neurology杂志上。研究发现在TH和NT中脑电图严重程度评级为1级和3

  心脏骤停后常常使用低温疗法进行脑保护,不少患者也会出现抽搐的表现。为了确定脑电图(EEG)分级评分的预后价值以及在心脏骤停后低温治疗(TH)和复温(NT)治疗中根据持续脑电图(cEEG)的发现治疗抽搐的临床转归,美国梅奥诊所神经科的Amy Z.Crepeau博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2013年1月2日的Neurology杂志上。研究发现在TH和NT中脑电图严重程度评级为1级和3级与临床转归相关。治疗抽搐并不能改善临床转归。




Continuous EEG in therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest: Prognostic and clinical value

Objectives: To determine the prognostic value of an EEG grading scale and clinical outcome of treated seizures detected with continuous EEG (cEEG) during therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and rewarming post cardiac arrest (CA).

Methods: Our cohort study retrospectively reviewed the electronic medical records and cEEGs of all patients undergoing TH after CA under protocol over 2 years. cEEG was initiated during TH and continued until restoration of normothermia (NT). EEGs were graded 1–3 (3 = most severe) using a departmentally developed EEG severity grading scale by 2 authors blinded to clinical outcome. Outcome was measured using the Cerebral Performance Category scale; grades 1–2 were considered a “good” outcome, 3–5 “poor.”

Results: Fifty-four patients were included; 51 remained on cEEG through NT. Nineteen died. EEG severity grading during both TH and NT statistically correlated with outcome (grade 1 = good, grade 3 = poor). Other EEG features correlating with poor outcome included seizures, nonreactive background, and epileptiform discharges. Changes in EEG grade during monitoring did not statistically correlate with outcome. Five patients had seizures; all occurred in patients with grade 3 EEG backgrounds and all had a poor outcome.

Conclusion: Grades 1 and 3 on our EEG severity grading scale during TH and NT correlated with outcome. Treating seizures did not improve outcome in our cohort.




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Context  Chest compression–only bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) may be as effective as conventional CPR with rescue breathing for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Objective  To

