PLOS GENETICS:研究发现与肌营养不良症有关联基因

2013-06-26 黄涵 中国科学报

法国研究人员最新发现一个与面肩肱型肌营养不良症有关联的重要基因,这将有助于研发治疗这种疾病的新疗法。 法国某研究小组日前通过小鼠实验发现,如果切除一个名为FAT1的基因,小鼠面部肌肉和局部肩部肌肉就会发育不正常,成年后肌肉也会过早萎缩。此外,该基因被切除的小鼠还会表现出视网膜血管异常和内耳畸形。这些症状与人类患面肩肱型肌营养不良症的症状极为相似。 研究人员深入研究后发现,面肩胛肱型肌营养不良症







Deregulation of the Protocadherin Gene FAT1 Alters Muscle Shapes: Implications for the Pathogenesis of Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
Generation of skeletal muscles with forms adapted to their function is essential for normal movement. Muscle shape is patterned by the coordinated polarity of collectively migrating myoblasts. Constitutive inactivation of the protocadherin gene Fat1 uncoupled individual myoblast polarity within chains, altering the shape of selective groups of muscles in the shoulder and face. These shape abnormalities were followed by early onset regionalised muscle defects in adult Fat1-deficient mice. Tissue-specific ablation of Fat1 driven by Pax3-cre reproduced muscle shape defects in limb but not face muscles, indicating a cell-autonomous contribution of Fat1 in migrating muscle precursors. Strikingly, the topography of muscle abnormalities caused by Fat1 loss-of-function resembles that of human patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD). FAT1 lies near the critical locus involved in causing FSHD, and Fat1 mutant mice also show retinal vasculopathy, mimicking another symptom of FSHD, and showed abnormal inner ear patterning, predictive of deafness, reminiscent of another burden of FSHD. Muscle-specific reduction of FAT1 expression and promoter silencing was observed in foetal FSHD1 cases. CGH array-based studies identified deletion polymorphisms within a putative regulatory enhancer of FAT1, predictive of tissue-specific depletion of FAT1 expression, which preferentially segregate with FSHD. Our study identifies FAT1 as a critical determinant of muscle form, misregulation of which associates with FSHD


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