Diabetes Care:ADA与ENDO低血糖共识

2013-04-26 Diabetes Care 医学论坛网

    低血糖对糖尿病患者产生的影响一直以来广受关注,美国糖尿病学会(ADA)和美国内分泌学会(ENDO)对既往与新进证据进行回顾,并于近日公布一份共识文件Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: A Report of aWorkgroup of the American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society。  


  低血糖对糖尿病患者产生的影响一直以来广受关注,美国糖尿病学会(ADA)和美国内分泌学会(ENDO)对既往与新进证据进行回顾,并于近日公布一份共识文件Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: A Report of aWorkgroup of the American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society




Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: A Report of aWorkgroup of the American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society
To review the evidence about the impact of hypoglycemia on patients with diabetes that has become available since the past reviews of this subject by the American Diabetes Association and The Endocrine Society and to provide guidance about how this new information should be incorporated into clinical practice.
Five members of the American Diabetes Association and five members of The Endocrine Society with expertise in different aspects of hypoglycemia were invited by the Chair, who is a member of both, to participate in a planning conference call and a 2-day meeting that was also attended by staff from both organizations. Subsequent communications took place via e-mail and phone calls. The writing group consisted of those invitees who participated in the writing of the manuscript. The workgroup meeting was supported by educational grants to the American Diabetes Association from Lilly USA, LLC and Novo Nordisk and sponsorship to the American Diabetes Association from Sanofi. The sponsors had no input into the development of or content of the report.
The writing group considered data from recent clinical trials and other studies to update the prior workgroup report. Unpublished data were not used. Expert opinion was used to develop some conclusions.
Consensus was achieved by group discussion during conference calls and face-to-face meetings, as well as by iterative revisions of the written document. The document was reviewed and approved by the American Diabetes Association’s Professional Practice Committee in October 2012 and approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors in November 2012 and was reviewed and approved by The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Affairs Core Committee in October 2012 and by Council in November 2012.
The workgroup reconfirmed the previous definitions of hypoglycemia in diabetes, reviewed the implications of hypoglycemia on both short- and long-term outcomes, considered the implications of hypoglycemia on treatment outcomes, presented strategies to prevent hypoglycemia, and identified knowledge gaps that should be addressed by future research. In addition, tools for patients to report hypoglycemia at each visit and for clinicians to document counseling are provided.

作者:Diabetes Care

评论区 (4)


J Diabetes:糖尿病治疗模式变革即将到来?

■ 控制血糖并非唯一目标,药物选择应权衡风险与获益   治疗模式变革,SU及其替代疗法作用或需重新评估   自退伍军人糖尿病研究(VADT)、控制糖尿病患者心血管风险行动研究(ACCORD)和糖尿病治疗与心血管保护行动:培哚普利/吲达帕胺复方制剂与格列齐特缓释片对照评估研究(ADVANCE)结果发表3~4年后,更多研究者认识到,针对所有糖尿病人群制定单一的血糖控制目标可能不妥,这大

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Diabetes Care:LOGIC-Insulin算法指导强化血糖控制效果佳

  来自荷兰鲁汶大学的一项前瞻性、平行组、随机对照临床试验显示,应用计算机软件程序LOGIC-Insulin实施强化血糖控制(TGC)的效能优于经验丰富的护士,且不增加低血糖事件的发生率。该研究2013年2月在线发表在《糖尿病护理》杂志(Diabetes care)上。   对危重患者实施TGC较为困难,且工作强度大,导致血糖控制效果不佳和低血糖发生率增加。LOGIC-Insul


人工胰腺降低院外患者夜间低血糖    以色列国家儿童糖尿病研究中心Phillip等人进行的一项研究发现,与传感器增强型胰岛素泵治疗相比,人工胰腺体系治疗院外糖尿病患者可减少夜间低血糖症,且血糖控制得到改善。该研究结果在线发表于新一期的《新英格兰杂志》[N Engl J Med. 2013 Feb 28;368(9):824-3

Diabetes Care: 低血糖和空腹血糖受损均可预测心血管疾病发病风险

不同空腹血糖水平下的心血管疾病HRs 尽管糖尿病增加心血管疾病发病风险和死亡率,但是低于糖尿病诊断标准的空腹血糖水平与心血管事件间的量效关系尚未十分明确。针对这种情况,来自韩国Severance医院国家健康护理中心的Park博士等人进行了一项研究,研究发现,低血糖和空腹血糖受损均可作为中风和冠状动脉心脏病的预测因子,并且,与最低心血管疾病发病风险相关的空腹血糖水平范围较窄。研究结果在线发表于

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低血糖症是1型或2型糖尿病患者降糖治疗的一个主要的副作用。糖尿病患者治疗过程中低血糖症与严重的健康结局相关,然而,有低血糖发作史的2型糖尿病门诊患者,其临床结局大部分是未知的。为了探讨在2型糖尿病患者,临床症状性低血糖症与心血管事件和总死亡率的关系,来自中国台湾国立卫生研究院,人口健康科学研究所的Shao-Yuan Chuang教授及其团队进行了一项研究(Association of clinic