
2012-12-28 Diabetes 互联网 ellwyj

相对于富含软脂酸(PA)的食物,富含油酸(OA)的食物与降低2型糖尿病风险相关,但具体机制不明。为此,美国佛蒙特大学研究者Kien CL在年轻人中开展了一项饮食中脂质组学与胰岛素敏感性关系的研究(A Lipidomics Analysis of the Relationship Between Dietary Fatty Acid Composition and Insulin Sensitivi

相对于富含软脂酸(PA)的食物,富含油酸(OA)的食物与降低2型糖尿病风险相关,但具体机制不明。为此,美国佛蒙特大学研究者Kien CL在年轻人中开展了一项饮食中脂质组学与胰岛素敏感性关系的研究(A Lipidomics Analysis of the Relationship Between Dietary Fatty Acid Composition and Insulin Sensitivity in Young Adults)。研究结论发表在Diabetes 2012年12月刊在线版。Diabetes影响因子为8.1。





doi: 10.2337/db12-0363

A Lipidomics Analysis of the Relationship Between Dietary Fatty Acid Composition and Insulin Sensitivity in Young Adults

C. Lawrence Kien1,2⇓, Janice Y. Bunn3, Matthew E. Poynter2, Robert Stevens4,5,6, James Bain4,5,6, Olga Ikayeva4,5,6, Naomi K. Fukagawa2, Catherine M. Champagne7, Karen I. Crain2, Timothy R. Koves4,5,6 and Deborah M. Muoio4,5,6

Relative to diets enriched in palmitic acid (PA), diets rich in oleic acid (OA) are associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. To gain insight into mechanisms underlying these observations, we applied comprehensive lipidomic profiling to specimens collected from healthy adults enrolled in a randomized, crossover trial comparing a high PA diet to a low PA/high OA diet (HOA). Effects on insulin sensitivity (SI) and disposition index (DI) were assessed by intravenous glucose tolerance testing. In women, but not men, SI and DI were higher during HOA. The effect of HOA on SI correlated positively with physical fitness upon enrollment. Principal components analysis of either fasted or fed-state metabolites identified one factor affected by diet and heavily weighted by the PA/OA ratio of serum and muscle lipids. In women, this factor correlated inversely with SI in the fasted and fed states. Medium-chain acylcarnitines emerged as strong negative correlates of SI, and the HOA diet was accompanied by lower serum and muscle ceramide concentrations and reductions in molecular biomarkers of inflammatory and oxidative stress. This study provides evidence that the dietary PA/OA ratio impacts diabetes risk in women.


评论区 (5)
  1. 2013-02-05 zutt
  2. 2013-01-07 Rekha

    The genius store called, they're rnuinng out of you.




近日,新南威尔士大学研究人员发表论文证实:新发现的生物标志物可能最终有助于糖尿病的新治疗方法诞生。 研究人员表示:糖尿病患者病变的早期诊断和识别一直是个难题。据估计高达50%的糖尿病患者出现神经损伤。 研究人员对比分析研究了无神经病变的糖尿病患者和有神经病变糖尿病患者之间的神经兴奋性,结果发现神经病变糖尿病患者并没有出现不可逆的神经损伤,但在临床症状出现前仍可表现出兴奋异常。 这项研究


糖尿病肾病(DN)是一种逐渐进展的肾脏疾病,由长期高血糖引起的糖尿病的重要并发症。在西方国家,糖尿病肾病是透析的最常见原因。早期发现糖尿病肾病或许能运用药物进行干预治疗,从而延迟或避免使用肾脏替代治疗。为此,德国研究者Zürbig P进行了一项关于运用尿蛋白质组学诊断糖尿病肾病的研究(Urinary Proteomics for Early Diagnosis in Diabetic Nephro