Clin Infect Dis:干预疗法能改善婴儿期HIV感染者的性行为安全行为

2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,刊登在国际杂志Clinical Infectious Diseases上的一篇研究报告中,来自国外的研究者指出随着在婴儿期感染HIV的人群逐渐经历青春期以及成年期,在其进行性行为之前,需要对其进行健康行为的引导来避免HIV的传播以及感染。 这项研究中,研究者对330名年轻人进行调查发现,其均有未进行保护措施的性行为,而且这些HIV感染者并没有向自己的性伴侣说明自己的自身情况。当性行为变得在

近日,刊登在国际杂志Clinical Infectious Diseases上的一篇研究报告中,来自国外的研究者指出随着在婴儿期感染HIV的人群逐渐经历青春期以及成年期,在其进行性行为之前,需要对其进行健康行为的引导来避免HIV的传播以及感染。





编译自:Interventions Needed to Promote Healthy Behaviors Among Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth


Sexual Risk Behavior Among Youth With Perinatal HIV Infection in the United States: Predictors and Implications for Intervention Development

Katherine Tassiopoulos1, Anna-Barbara Moscicki2, Claude Mellins3, Deborah Kacanek4, Kathleen Malee5, Susannah Allison6, Rohan Hazra7, George K. Siberry7, Renee Smith8, Mary Paul9, Russell B. Van Dyke10, George R. Seage III1

Background. Factors associated with initiation of sexual activity among perinatally human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected (PHIV+) youth, and the attendant potential for sexual transmission of antiretroviral (ARV) drug-resistant HIV, remain poorly understood. Methods. We conducted cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of PHIV+ youth aged 10–18 years (mean, 13.5 years) enrolled in the US-based Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study between 2007 and 2009. Audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI) were used to collect sexual behavior information. Results. Twenty-eight percent (95% confidence interval [CI], 23%–33%) (92/330) of PHIV+ youth reported sexual intercourse (SI) (median initiation age, 14 years). Sixty-two percent (57/92) of sexually active youth reported unprotected SI. Among youth who did not report history of SI at baseline, ARV nonadherence was associated with sexual initiation during follow-up (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.87; 95% CI, 1.32–6.25). Youth living with a relative other than their biological mother had higher odds of engaging in unprotected SI than those living with a nonrelative. Thirty-three percent of youth disclosed their HIV status to their first sexual partner. Thirty-nine of 92 (42%) sexually active youth had HIV RNA ≥5000 copies/mL after sexual initiation. Viral drug resistance testing, available for 37 of these 39 youth, identified resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in 62%, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in 57%, protease inhibitors in 38%, and all 3 ARV classes in 22%. Conclusions. As PHIV+ youth become sexually active, many engage in behaviors that place their partners at risk for HIV infection, including infection with drug-resistant virus. Effective interventions to facilitate youth adherence, safe sex practices, and disclosure are urgently needed.


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Diabetes Care:婴儿期肠道病毒感染或增胰岛自身免疫风险

  来自美国的DAISY研究提示,婴儿期肠病毒或轮状病毒感染可能增加胰岛自身免疫(IA,即胰岛素、谷氨酸脱羧酶或酪氨酸磷酸酶抗体阳性)风险。(Diabetes Care.2012年10月5日在线版)   该研究搜集了1729例儿童9个月内的患病记录,其中1174例无1型糖尿病家族史,555例的一级亲属为1型糖尿病患者。结果显示,109名儿童持续存在IA。胃肠道疾病患病次数越多,IA风险