
2011-12-02 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

世界卫生组织(WHO)的科学家11月25日提出一项防止艾滋病蔓延的新方案,根据该方案,如果生活在艾滋病重灾区的所有人都定期接受检查和治疗,理论上艾滋病病毒可以在10年内被消除。 10年减少95% WHO 科学家的这一研究成果26日在著名医学杂志《柳叶刀》上发表。根据这项新计划的设想,撒哈拉以南的非洲艾滋病重灾区所有人自愿每年进行艾滋病检查,一旦发现感染艾滋病病毒,立即进行药物治

WHO 科学家的这一研究成果26日在著名医学杂志《柳叶刀》上发表。根据这项新计划的设想,撒哈拉以南的非洲艾滋病重灾区所有人自愿每年进行艾滋病检查,一旦发现感染艾滋病病毒,立即进行药物治疗。计划预测,此举将大幅减少艾滋病新感染者的数量,因为艾滋病药物可以降低人体内的艾滋病病毒活性水平,使艾滋病传染率大大降低。据估计,如果实行这一计划,10年内,艾滋病感染者将减少95%;2008年~2050年间,全世界艾滋病致死人数将减少一半,从预计的大约 870万人减少到390万人。

Raltegravir once daily or twice daily in previously untreated patients with HIV-1: a randomised, active-controlled, phase 3 non-inferiority trial
Prof Joseph J Eron MD , Jürgen K Rockstroh MD , Prof Jacques Reynes MD , Jaime Andrade-Villanueva MD , Jose Valdez Ramalho-Madruga MD , Linda-Gail Bekker MD , Benjamin Young MD , Christine Katlama MD , Jose Maria Gatell-Artigas MD , Jose R Arribas MD , Mark Nelson MD , Havilland Campbell BS
Twice-daily raltegravir with once-daily tenofovir-emtricitabine is an effective initial antiretroviral regimen for patients with HIV-1. On the basis of pharmacokinetic data suggesting efficacy of once-daily raltegravir and because adherence is often improved with once-daily dosing, we aimed to compare these dosing schedules.
In our international, double-blind, randomised, phase 3 non-inferiority study, we enrolled antiretroviral-naive patients with HIV RNA loads of more than 5000 copies per mL and no baseline resistance to tenofovir or emtricitabine at 83 centres worldwide. We randomly allocated patients (1:1) by use of a computer-generated sequence to receive raltegravir once daily (two 400 mg tablets taken together every 24 h), or twice daily (one 400 mg tablet every 12 h), both in combination with once-daily co-formulated tenofovir 300 mg plus emtricitabine 150 mg. The primary outcome was virological response at 48 weeks (viral RNA loads <50 copies per mL) in patients who received at least one dose of study drug, counting non-completers as failure. We assessed non-inferiority in terms of the proportion of patients in both treatment groups who achieved the primary outcome, with a non-inferiority margin of ?10%. This study is registered with, number NCT00745823.
From Oct 15, 2008, to Nov 2, 2009, we randomly allocated 775 patients, of whom 382 (99%) of 386 patients in the once-daily group and 388 (99%) of 389 in the twice-daily group received at least one dose of study drug. At baseline, 304 (39%) of 770 treated patients had viral loads of more than 100 000 copies per mL and 188 (24%) had CD4 cell counts of fewer than 200 cells per μL. 318 (83%) of 382 patients in the once-daily group had virological response compared with 343 (89%) of 386 in the twice-daily group (difference ?5·7%, 95% CI ?10·7 to ?0·83; p=0·044). Serious adverse events were reported in 26 (7%) of 382 once-daily recipients and 40 (10%) of 388 twice-daily recipients, and adverse events leading to discontinuation occurred in four (1%) patients in each group.
Despite high response rates with both regimens, once-daily raltegravir cannot be recommended in place of twice-daily dosing.

评论区 (1)
  1. 2012-10-18 howi



最新一期权威医学杂志——《柳叶刀》上发布了一项救助儿童会的研究结果表明:在家接受基层卫生工作者的治疗能够降低肺炎这一儿童健康头号“杀手”造成的死亡。 11月11日,《柳叶刀》杂志发布了一项救助儿童会的最新研究,这一在巴基斯坦进行的研究显示:患严重肺炎的儿童在家里接受经过培训的基层女性卫生工作者的治疗,其康复的几率比那些到卫生机构去接受治疗的儿童还要高。这项研究是由美国国际开发总署资助、世界卫


文献标题:MRI for breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. 文献出处:Lancet. 2011 Nov 19;378(9805):1804-11. 期刊影响因子:30.758 PMID:22098853      对于大多数乳腺癌妇女,没有证据表明MRI可提高生存结局,研究结果发表在1