
2012-01-01 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近日,来自波士顿大学医学院的Allan J. Walkey博士与Renda S. Wiener博士在Chest杂志上发表的一篇对急性呼吸窘迫综合症网络试验数据进行因果关系分析的论文"Macrolide Antibiotics and Survival in Patients with Acute Lung Injury"发现:大环内酯类抗生素可降低急性肺损伤患者的死亡率。 研究人员称迄今为止

近日,来自波士顿大学医学院的Allan J. Walkey博士与Renda S. Wiener博士在Chest杂志上发表的一篇对急性呼吸窘迫综合症网络试验数据进行因果关系分析的论文"Macrolide Antibiotics and Survival in Patients with Acute Lung Injury"发现:大环内酯类抗生素可降低急性肺损伤患者的死亡率。



作者发现,大环内酯类抗生素治疗组的死亡率为23%,而未应用大环内酯类抗生素治疗组的死亡率为36% (p=0.11),但大环内酯类抗生素治疗组的患者更易发生肺炎,而较少发生非肺源性脓毒血与低潮气量通气。

校正这些及其它混杂因素后,两位研究者得出结论认为应用大环内酯类抗生素与较低的180天死亡率(危害比 0.46;p=0.028)及较快的机械通气撤机(危害比 1.93;p=0.009)相关。

作者称90 例患者应用了氟喹诺酮、93 例患者应用了头孢菌素类抗生素,这两类抗生素与转归改善不相关。



Macrolide Antibiotics and Survival in Patients with Acute Lung Injury.

Walkey AJ, Wiener RS.

Animal models suggest that immunomodulatory properties of macrolide antibiotics have therapeutic value during acute lung injury. We investigated the association between receipt of macrolide antibiotics and clinical outcomes in patients with acute lung injury.
Secondary analysis of multicenter, randomized, controlled trial data from the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network (ARDSNet) Lisofylline and Respiratory Management of Acute Lung Injury Trial, which collected detailed data regarding antibiotic use among participants with acute lung injury.
47 (20%) of 235 participants received a macrolide antibiotic within 24 hours of trial enrollment. Among patients who received a macrolide, erythromycin was most common (57%), followed by azithromycin (40%). The median duration of macrolide use after study enrollment was 4 days (interquartile range 2-8). 11/47 (23%) who received macrolides died as compared with 67/188 (36%) who did not receive a macrolide, p=0.11. Participants administered macrolides were more likely to have pneumonia as an acute lung injury risk factor, were less likely to have non-pulmonary sepsis or to be randomized to low tidal volume ventilation, and had shorter length-of-stay prior to trial enrollment. After adjusting for potentially confounding covariates, use of macrolide was associated with lower 180 day mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 0.46, 95% confidence interval 0.23-0.92, p=0.028] and shorter time to successful discontinuation of mechanical ventilation (HR 1.93, 95% CI 1.18-3.17, p=0.009). In contrast, fluoroquinolone (n=90) and cephalosporin antibiotics (n=93) were not associated with improved outcomes.
Macrolide antibiotics were associated with improved outcomes in acute lung injury.

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