
2010-07-07 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  国际护士协会护士职业道德准则  An international code of ethics for nurses was first adopted by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It has been revised and reaffi

The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  国际护士协会护士职业道德准则 
An international code of ethics for nurses was first adopted by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It has been revised and reaffirmed at various times since, most recently with this review and revision completed in 2000.  1953年, 国际护士协会(ICN)首次采用国际护士职业道德准则,其间已经多次修订,本准则为2000修订之最新版本。 
Preamble  前言 
Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. The need for nursing is universal.  护士4项基本职责:促进健康,预防疾病,恢复健康和减轻痛苦。护理需要是全球性的。 
Inherent in nursing is respect for human rights, including the right to life, to dignity and to be treated with respect. Nursing care is unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture, disability or illness, gender, nationality, politics, race or social status.  护理的本质就是尊重人权,包括生存权、享受个人尊严及受尊重的权利。
Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and co-ordinate their services with those of related groups.  护士为个人、家庭及社区提供健康服务,并与相关团体互相协作提供服务。 
THE CODE  道德准则 
The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principal elements that outline the standards of ethical conduct.  国际护士协会护士职业道德准则由四项基本原则组成,是护士行为的职业道德标准。 
Elements of the Code  准则内容 
1. Nurses and people  1. 护士与民众 
l The nurse's primary professional responsibility is to people requiring nursing care.
l In providing care, the nurse promotes an environment in which the human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual, family and community are respected.l The nurse ensures that the individual receives sufficient information on which to base consent for care and related treatment. 
l 护士之基本责任是照顾那些需要照顾的民众。
l 护士在提供护理时,要推动建立一个尊重个人、家庭及社会人权、价值观、风俗习惯及信仰的护理环境。l 护士确保个人获得作出同意护理及相关治疗决定时所需的足够信息。 
l The nurse holds in confidence personal information and uses judgment in sharing this information.
l The nurse shares with society the responsibility for initiating and supporting action to meet the health and social needs of the public, in particular those of vulnerable populations.
l The nurse also shares responsibility to sustain and protect the natural environment from depletion, pollution, degradation and destruction. 
l 护士应对个人资料保密,并判断可否分享资料。
l 护士与社会共同承担责任,采取并支持行动,满足公众特别是弱势群体的健康及社会需要。
l 护士分担责任,维持和保护自然环境,使其不致枯竭、免受污染、退化或破坏。 
2. Nurses and practice  2. 护士与实践 
l The nurse carries personal responsibility and accountability for nursing practice, and for maintaining competence by continual learning.
l The nurse maintains a standard of personal health such that the ability to provide care is not compromised. 
l 护士承担护理操作的个人义务与责任的护士,有义务和责任通过不断学习保持自己的专业能力。l 护士要保持个人健康,确保护理能力不受损害。 
l The nurse uses judgement regarding individual competence when accepting and delegating responsibility.
l The nurse at all times maintains standards of personal conduct which reflect well on the profession and enhance public confidence.l The nurse, in providing care, ensures that use of technology and scientific advances are compatible with the safety, dignity and rights of people. 
l 护士根据个人能力接受或授权责任。
l 护士时刻保持良好的专业形象,增强公众信任。
l 护士在护理时确保先进科技的应用符合民众的安全、尊严和权利需要。 
3. Nurses and the profession  3. 护士与专业 
l The nurse assumes the major role in determining and implementing acceptable standards of clinical nursing practice, management, research and education.
l The nurse is active in developing a core of research-based professional knowledge.
l The nurse, acting through the professional organisation, participates in creating and maintaining equitable social and economic working conditions in nursing. 
l 护士是决定和实施公认的临床护理、管理、科研和教育标准的主导者。
l 护士要积极建立以科研为基础的专业知识体系。
l 护士通过专业团体参与建立和维护护理领域公平的社会和经济工作条件。 
4. Nurses and co-workers  4. 护士与合作者 
l The nurse sustains a co-operative relationship with co-workers in nursing and other fields. The nurse takes appropriate action to safeguard individuals when their care is endangered by a co-worker or any other person.  l 护士与护理及其他领域的合作者保持合作关系。当护理受到合作者或其他人危害时,护士要采取适当行动保护护理对象。 
Suggestions for use of the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  ICN护士职业道德准则实施建议 
l The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses is a guide for action based on social values and needs. It will have meaning only as a living document if applied to the realities of nursing and health care in a changing society.
l To achieve its purpose the Code must be understood, internalised and used by nurses in all aspects of their work. It must be available to students and nurses throughout their study and work lives. 
l 国际护士协会护士职业道德准则是根据社会价值和需要制订的行动指南。它只有在不断变化的社会中、通过护理及健康保健现实环境的实际应用,才能发挥它的作用。
l 要达到这一目的,护士必须理解、接受准则,并将其应用到各项护理工作中。准则必须贯穿于学生及护士的学习和工作生活中。 
Applying the Elements of the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  ICN护士职业道德准则的应用 
The four elements of the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses: nurses and people, nurses and practice, nurses and co-workers, and nurses and the profession, give a framework for the standards of conduct. The following chart will assist nurses to translate the standards into action. Nurses and nursing students can therefore:  ICN护士职业道德准则四要素:护士与民众,护士与实践,护士与合作者,护土与专业,为护士行为标准提供了一个规范。下列表格将帮助护士在实际工作中应用这些标准,护士与护生也因而能够: 
l Study the standards under each element of the Code.
l Reflect on what each standard means to you. Think about how you can apply ethics in your nursing domain: practice, education, research or management.
l Discuss the Code with co-workers and others. 
l 学习准则各要素的相关标准。
l 思考每项标准的意义,考虑如何将准则应用于护理领域中:实践、教育、科研或管理。
l 与合作者和其他人讨论准则。 
l Use a specific example from experience to identify ethical dilemmas and standards of conduct as outlined in the Code. Identify how you would resolve the dilemma.
l Work in groups to clarify ethical decision making and reach a consensus on standards of ethical conduct.
l Collaborate with your national nurses' association, co-workers, and others in the continuous application of ethical standards in nursing practice, education, management and research. 
l 以特定经历为例,认识职业道德所面临的困境及准则规定的行为标准,找出摆脱困境的可能方法。
l 通过小组讨论澄清职业道德决策,达成职业行为标准共识。
l 与本国护士协会、合作者及他人合作,在护理实践、教育、管理及科研中不断应用护理职业道德标准。 
Dissemination of the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  ICN护士职业道德准则的传播 
To be effective the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses must be familiar to nurses. We encourage you to help with its dissemination to schools of nursing, practising nurses, the nursing press and other mass media. The Code should also be disseminated to other health professions, the general public, consumer and policy making groups, human rights organisations and employers of nurses.  国际护士协会护士职业道德准则必须为护士所熟知以发挥作用。我们鼓励向护理学校、执业护士、护理新闻机构及其他大众传媒传播准则。准则还应向其他保健界人士、普通大众、消费者、决策机构、人权组织以及护土雇主进行传播。 
Glossary of terms used in the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses  词语解释 
Co-operative relationship A professional relationship based on collegial and reciprocal actions, and behaviour that aim to achieve certain goals.  合作关系 – 在平等、互利及特定目标行为基础上建立的专业关系。 
Co-worker Other nurses and other health and non-health related workers and professionals.  合作者 – 其他护士及其他保健和非保健相关工作人员及专业人士。 
Nurse shares with society A nurse, as a health professional and a citizen, initiates and supports appropriate action to meet the health and social needs of the public.  护士与社会 – 护士作为保健专业人士和普通公民,制订和支持适当的措施以满足公众的健康和社会需要。 
Personal health Mental, physical, social and spiritual well -being of the nurse.  个人健康 – 护士的心理、生理、社会和精神健康。 
Personal information Information obtained during professional contact that is private to an individual or family, and which, when disclosed, may violate the right to privacy, cause inconvenience, embarrassment, or harm to the individual or family.  个人信息 – 在职业接触中获得、属于个人或家庭私有的信息,一旦泄露,就可能违反个人或家庭的隐私权,给其带来麻烦、困扰或伤害。 
Related groups Other nurses, health care workers or other professionals providing service to an individual, family or community and working toward desired goals.  相关群体 – 向个人、家庭或社会提供服务,共同为预期目标而努力的其他护士、健康护理人员及其他专业人士。 
