
2014-08-14 佚名 生物谷

近日,来自法兰德斯大学联办生物技术研究院的研究人员在对实验动物进行研究时发现,抗疟疾药物氯奎宁或具有明显的抗癌效应,截至目前,研究者们推测氯喹可以增加癌细胞对化疗的敏感性。研究者表示,氯奎宁同样可以使得肿瘤组织的异常血管正常化,结果从一方面来讲会增加癌细胞的屏障功能,进而阻断癌细胞的扩散和转移;从另一方面将则会增强肿瘤的灌注,使得其对化疗作用更为敏感。 氯奎宁是一种常见的用于治疗疟疾及


氯奎宁是一种常见的用于治疗疟疾及特定类型自身免疫疾病,比如类风湿性关节炎的药物,氯奎宁可以阻断癌细胞的自噬过程,降低癌细胞对化疗作用的耐受性;研究者Hannelore Maes说道,我们开启这项研究目的在于揭示氯奎宁增强抗癌效应的分子机制,尽管当前研究人员都假设氯奎宁可以通过阻断癌细胞的自噬来增强抗癌特性,但是并没有有效的证据来证明。




Maes H, Agostinis P.Autophagy and mitophagy interplay in melanoma progression.Mitochondrion. 2014 Jul 17. pii: S1567-7249(14)00094-4.

Maes H, Martin S, Verfaillie T, Agostinis P.Dynamic interplay between autophagic flux and Akt during melanoma progression in vitro.Exp Dermatol. 2014 Feb;23(2):101-6


Chloroquine is a well-known medicine with a good safety profile that has been in use since World War 2 for the treatment of malaria and certain auto-immune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. More recently, chloroquine has also been used in anti-cancer treatment. Chloroquine blocks autophagy, a process that cancer cells use to survive to anti-cancer treatments. Therefore, blocking autophagy would reduce the resistance of the cancer cells to chemotherapy.

Normalization of abnormal tumor blood vessels

Hannelore Maes from the team of Patrizia Agostinis (KU Leuven), together with Anna Kuchnio from the team of Peter Carmeliet (VIB-KU Leuven) have started a study to explain how chloroquine can strengthen the effect of anti-cancer treatments.

"Although it is assumed that chloroquine strengthens anti-cancer treatment by blocking autophagy, there is little in vivo evidence that this is the only way in which chloroquine works. In this study, we found that chloroquine not only has an effect on the growth of the cancer cells, but also makes the tumor environment less aggressive by normalizing the abnormal blood vessels in the tumor," says Patrizia Agostinis.

Peter Carmeliet: "Blood vessel normalization results in improved tumor perfusion. This reduces the aggressive nature of the cancer cells and means that the anti-cancer medicines are better able to reach the cancer cells, which makes chemotherapy more effective. In addition, tumor blood vessel normalization also increases the barrier function of the blood vessels, which reduces the access of cancer cells to the circulation -- the most important transport system for the spreading of cancer cells to other tissues. Therefore, chloroquine can nip the metastatic spreading of cancer cells in the bud, which is the most important therapeutic goal in any tumor treatment."

Disadvantages do not outweigh the benefits -- the impact of this study on the use of chloroquine in anti-cancer treatment

This study forms a new rationale for the use of chloroquine in anti-cancer treatment. With a view to clinical studies (tests on humans) it is important to note that the effects on the tumor vasculature were even observed at chloroquine concentrations that had little effect on autophagy in the cancer cells. This sheds new light on the therapeutic schedule for combination therapy with chloroquine, which could result in decreased toxicity. In other words, the same "old" medicine simultaneously targets the cancer cells themselves and the blood vessels with great efficiency.


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虽然每年约有60万的非洲儿童死于疟疾,但多数儿童感染是中度的。然而关于疟疾发病机制的基本问题还未得到解决,比如疟原虫载量和宿主炎症对严重疾病的影响。在稳定传播的地区,大于5岁的儿童不易患严重疟疾,这可能是由于免疫的因素,并且数学模型认为一次或两次感染后就产生了抗非脑性严重疟疾的保护。 然而,保护性免疫的机制尚不清楚,该保护作用可能与寄生虫密度的降低或寄生虫毒素的抑制有关。来源于成人的IgG能够清

Nature:中法发现控凶险疟疾关键分子PfRNase II

2014年6月29日,英国《自然》杂志刊文报道了控制凶险型疟疾发生的关键调控因子和途径。该发现为凶险型疟疾的防治提供了新的思路和治疗靶点。该项研究主要由同济大学附属东方医院转化医学研究中心、同济大学医学院传染病与疫苗研究所张青锋博士等与法国巴斯德研究所Artur Scherf教授等合作完成。张青锋博士为第一作者和共同通讯作者。参与该项工作的其他单位包括中国科学院上海巴斯德研


一项研究发现,感染疟疾的小鼠体味会改变,从而变得更吸引蚊子。研究论文于6月30日发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。 蚊子作为疟疾传染的媒介,在从一个宿主身上吸食完血液之后,会将疟疾传染给下一个宿主。之前的研究发现,人和其他动物在感染疟疾之后,会更招蚊子。这一结论表明疟原虫可能会引起宿主身体产生一些吸引蚊子的化学物质。 瑞士联邦理工学院的马克·麦斯切尔(Mark C. Mescher)


由于许多地方的疟原虫产生了抗药性,开发消除疟疾的新方法成了医学研究热点。英国新一期《自然》杂志刊登论文说,科研人员发现了疟原虫获取营养物质的唯一通路,阻断这一通路就可将其“饿死”。 澳大利亚莫纳什大学等机构研究人员报告说,疟原虫寄生在宿主的红细胞中,这样的“居住环境”可帮助它们躲避免疫系统的攻击。但要在这里生存其实并不容易,疟原虫必须先向它寄生的红细胞内释放蛋白质“改造”生存环境,然后从中吸


实验性抗疟疾药物--螺旋吲哚酮类似物KAE609(cipargamin)一项概念验证临床试验的积极数据,有21例感染了恶性疟原虫 (P.falciparum)或间日疟原虫(P.vivax)但无并发症的疟疾患者参与了该项研究。研究人员发现,KAE609迅速清除了(平均12小 时)间日疟疟疾患者体内的恶性疟原虫和间日疟原虫,包括那些已产生抗性的疟原虫。相关数据已发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》(New