AM J PSYCHIAT :医疗食品有助于治疗重性抑郁


       近日,一篇刊于《美国精神病学》杂志的论文中,研究者进行了2项多中心序贯平行比较设计试验,以对选择性5-羟色胺重摄取抑制剂(SSRI)有部分反应或无反应的重性抑郁障碍患者为研究对象,结果发现:L-甲基叶酸添加剂治疗难治性抑郁症患者安全有效。        在第一项试验中,148例对SSRI耐药的重


       在第一项试验中,148例对SSRI耐药的重性抑郁障碍门诊患者被纳入一项为期60天的研究(分为2个30天的时期)。患者以2:3:3的比例被随机分配,接受1-甲基叶酸治疗60天(7.5 mg/天治疗30天序贯15 mg/天治疗30天)、接受安慰剂治疗30天序贯L-甲基叶酸(7.5 mg/天)治疗30天,或接受安慰剂治疗60天。在整个研究期间,SSRI剂量保持恒定。第二项试验(纳入75例患者)的设计与第一项相同, L-甲基叶酸剂量为15 mg/d(在2个30天的时期剂量均为15 mg/d)除外。

       在第一项试验中,未观察到治疗组间转归存在显著差异。在第二项试验中,15 mg/d的辅助性1-甲基叶酸显示有效性显著大于持续SSRI治疗加安慰剂,两个主要转归指标(应答率和抑郁症状评分变化程度)和症状严重程度的两个次要转归指标均是如此。要产生1次反应所需治疗的患者数量大约为6个(有利于15 mg/d的辅助性L-甲基叶酸)。L-甲基叶酸耐受良好,不良事件发生率与安慰剂组报告的无差异。

       本研究结果表明:15 mg/d的辅助性L-甲基叶酸有可能成为对SSRI有部分反应或无反应的重性抑郁障碍患者一种有效、安全且相对耐受良好的治疗策略。

The authors conducted two multicenter sequential parallel comparison design trials to investigate the effect of l-methylfolate augmentation in the treatment of major depressive disorder in patients who had a partial response or no response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
In the first trial, 148 outpatients with SSRI-resistant major depressive disorder were enrolled in a 60-day study divided into two 30-day periods. Patients were randomly assigned, in a 2:3:3 ratio, to receive l-methylfolate for 60 days (7.5 mg/day for 30 days followed by 15 mg/day for 30 days), placebo for 30 days followed by l-methylfolate (7.5 mg/day) for 30 days, or placebo for 60 days. SSRI dosages were kept constant throughout the study. In the second trial, with 75 patients, the design was identical to the first, except that the l-methylfolate dosage was 15 mg/day during both 30-day periods.
In the first trial, no significant difference was observed in outcomes between the treatment groups. In the second trial, adjunctive l-methylfolate at 15 mg/day showed significantly greater efficacy compared with continued SSRI therapy plus placebo on both primary outcome measures (response rate and degree of change in depression symptom score) and two secondary outcome measures of symptom severity. The number needed to treat for response was approximately six in favor of adjunctive l-methylfolate at 15 mg/day. l-Methylfolate was well tolerated, with rates of adverse events no different from those reported with placebo.
Adjunctive l-methylfolate at 15 mg/day may constitute an effective, safe, and relatively well tolerated treatment strategy for patients with major depressive disorder who have a partial response or no response to SSRIs.
