A&R: 接受甲氨蝶呤治疗的类风湿关节炎患者合用Tofacitinib(CP-690,550)的临床随机研究

2013-05-03 A&R dxy

来自荷兰莱顿大学医学中心的Desiree van der Heijde等人进行了一项研究,该项为期24周的三期研究的目的是检验Tofacitinib对甲氨蝶呤(MTX)疗效不佳的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者的关节结构的保护的作用。数据来源于第12周的中期分析报告。研究结果在线发布在2013年3月的ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM(关节炎与风湿病)上。研究者发现,接受MTX治疗的RA

来自荷兰莱顿大学医学中心的Desiree van der Heijde等人进行了一项研究,该项为期24周的三期研究的目的是检验Tofacitinib对甲氨蝶呤(MTX)疗效不佳的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者的关节结构的保护的作用。数据来源于第12周的中期分析报告。研究结果在线发布在2013年3月的ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM(关节炎与风湿病)上。研究者发现,接受MTX治疗的RA患者,合用tofacitinib能抑制关节结构破坏,并降低疾病活动度。

研究者进行了一项双盲,平行,安慰剂对照的研究,接受背景MTX治疗的患者随机分组为4:4:1:1,分别接受如下治疗:tofacitinib 5mg 每天两次、tofacitinib 10mg 每天两次、tofacitinib的安慰剂 5mg 每天两次或placebo的安慰剂 10mg 每天两次。在3个月时,接受安慰剂治疗的无反应患者以盲态升级为上述的tofacitinib治疗,剩余的接受安慰剂治疗的患者继续安慰剂治疗6个月。以递减的过程分析四个主要疗效终点。

研究结果如下,在6个月时,依据美国大学风湿病协会20 %改善标准,tofacitinib 5mg 每日两次和tofacitinib 10mg 每日两次组的缓解率高于安慰剂组(分别是51.5%和61.8% vs 25.3%,p均<0.0001)。在6个月时,tofacitinib 5mg 每天两次和tofacitinib 10mg 每天两次组的修订总Sharp/van der Heijde评分的最小二乘均数(LSM)的变化分别是0.12和0.06,vs 0.47(安慰剂组)(分别是P=0.079,P < 0.05)。在3个月时,tofacitinib 5mg 每天两次和tofacitinib 10mg 每天两次组的健康调查问卷残疾指数积分的LSM变化分别是-0.40(以递减过程显著性未宣布)和-0.54(P < 0.0001),vs -0.15(安慰剂组)。在6个月时,tofacitinib 5mg 每天两次和tofacitinib 10mg 每天两次组的缓解率(依据包括血沉的28个关节的四个变量的疾病活动积分<2.6 )分别是7.2%(以递减过程显著性未宣布)和16%(P < 0.0001)。安全性和以前的研究结果一致。



Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving methotrexate: twelve-month data from a twenty-four-month phase III randomized radiographic study.
The purpose of this 24-month phase III study was to examine structural preservation with tofacitinib in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with an inadequate response to methotrexate (MTX). Data from a planned 12-month interim analysis are reported.
In this double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study, patients receiving background MTX were randomized 4:4:1:1 to tofacitinib at 5 mg twice daily, tofacitinib at 10 mg twice daily, placebo to tofacitinib at 5 mg twice daily, and placebo to tofacitinib at 10 mg twice daily. At month 3, nonresponder placebo-treated patients were advanced in a blinded manner to receive tofacitinib as indicated above; remaining placebo-treated patients were advanced at 6 months. Four primary efficacy end points were all analyzed in a step-down procedure.
At month 6, response rates according to the American College of Rheumatology 20% improvement criteria for tofacitinib at 5 mg and 10 mg twice daily were higher than those for placebo (51.5% and 61.8%, respectively, versus 25.3%; both P < 0.0001). At month 6, least squares mean (LSM) changes in total modified Sharp/van der Heijde score for tofacitinib at 5 mg and 10 mg twice daily were 0.12 and 0.06, respectively, versus 0.47 for placebo (P = 0.0792 and P ≤ 0.05, respectively). At month 3, LSM changes in the Health Assessment Questionnaire disability index score for tofacitinib at 5 mg and 10 mg twice daily were -0.40 (significance not declared due to step-down procedure) and -0.54 (P < 0.0001), respectively, versus -0.15 for placebo. At month 6, rates of remission (defined as a value <2.6 for the 4-variable Disease Activity Score in 28 joints using the erythrocyte sedimentation rate) for tofacitinib at 5 mg and 10 mg twice daily were 7.2% (significance not declared due to step-down procedure) and 16.0% (P < 0.0001), respectively, versus 1.6% for placebo. The safety profile was consistent with findings in previous studies.
Data from this 12-month interim analysis demonstrate that tofacitinib inhibits progression of structural damage and improves disease activity in patients with RA who are receiving MTX.





来源:医学论坛网   意大利一项研究表明,甲氨蝶呤(MTX)治疗青少年局限性系统性硬化症有效,且患者耐受性良好。该研究论文近期发表于《关节炎与风湿病学》[Arthritis Rheum 2011,63(7):1998]杂志。   在该双盲试验中,青少年局限性系统性硬化症活动期患者被随机(2:1)分为接受口服MTX(15 mg/m2,最大剂量20 mg)或


作者:复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 曹军宁 前言        原发中枢神经系统淋巴瘤(PCNSL)是指原发于脑、眼球、软脑膜和脊髓的恶性淋巴瘤,是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤,约占原发于中枢神经系统恶性肿瘤的3%。PCNSL主要病理类型为弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL),约占90%。PCNSL好发于60岁左右的老年人,发病时约半数患者有精神神经症状,约1/3


  丹麦的一项研究表明,在未使用缓解病情抗风湿药(DMARD)的早期类风湿关节炎(ERA)患者中,阿达木单抗联合甲氨蝶呤和关节内注射氟羟泼尼松龙作为一线治疗虽不能增加达到DAS28CRP<3.2治疗目标的患者比例,但能改善DAS28CRP、缓解率、功能以及生活质量。该论文于2013年2月26日在线发表《风湿病年鉴》[Ann Rheum Dis]。   这项由调查者发起的