
2013-05-02 高晓方 译 医学论坛网

  美国一项研究表明,心搏骤停后低碳酸血症和高碳酸血症均常见,并且与神经功能转归不佳独立相关。论文4月23日在线发表于《循环》(Circulation)。   此项研究以年龄≥18岁、非创伤性停搏并且自主循环恢复(ROSC)后昏迷的心跳骤停患者为受试者。在ROSC后0~24小时期间分析动脉血气数据,并确认患者是否暴露于低碳酸血症和/或高碳酸血症(分别以PaCO2 ≤30mmHg和PaCO2 ≥5


  此项研究以年龄≥18岁、非创伤性停搏并且自主循环恢复(ROSC)后昏迷的心跳骤停患者为受试者。在ROSC后0~24小时期间分析动脉血气数据,并确认患者是否暴露于低碳酸血症和/或高碳酸血症(分别以PaCO2 ≤30mmHg和PaCO2 ≥50mmHg定义)。主要转归为出院时神经功能不佳(以脑功能分类≥3定义)。



Association between Post-Resuscitation Partial Pressure of Arterial Carbon Dioxide and Neurological Outcome in Patients with Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome
Partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2) is a regulator of cerebral blood flow after brain injury. Recent guidelines for management of cardiac arrest recommend maintaining PaCO2 40-45mmHg after successful resuscitation; however, there is paucity of data on the prevalence of PaCO2 derangements during the post-cardiac arrest period, and association with outcome.
We analyzed a prospectively compiled and maintained cardiac arrest registry at a single academic medical center. Inclusion criteria: age ≥18, non-trauma arrest, and comatose after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). We analyzed arterial blood gas data during 0-24 hours after ROSC and determined whether patients had exposure to hypocapnia and/or hypercapnia (defined as PaCO2 ≤30mmHg and PaCO2 ≥50mmHg, respectively, based on previous literature). The primary outcome was poor neurological function at hospital discharge, defined as Cerebral Performance Category ≥3. We used multivariable logistic regression, with multiple sensitivity analyses, adjusted for factors known to predict poor outcome, to determine if post-ROSC hypocapnia and/or hypercapnia were independent predictors of poor neurological function. Of 193 patients, 52 (27%) had hypocapnia only, 63 (33%) had hypercapnia only, 18 (9%) had both hypocapnia and hypercapnia exposure, and 60 (31%) had no exposure; 74% of patients had poor neurological outcome. Hypocapnia and hypercapnia were independently associated with poor neurological function, odds ratio 2.43 (95% CI 1.04-5.65) and 2.20 (95% CI 1.03-4.71) respectively.
Hypocapnia and hypercapnia were common after cardiac arrest and independently associated with poor neurological outcome. These data suggest PaCO2 derangements could be potentially harmful for post-cardiac arrest patients.

作者:高晓方 译

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Diabetes Care:室颤复苏后血糖急增者预后差

  来自芬兰一项基于人群的观察性研究证实,对于接受院外心室颤动复苏的患者,其不良转归或可通过复苏后超急性期血糖水平显著升高来预测。研究在2012年1月25日在线发表于《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care)杂志。   该研究旨在评价医院外室颤复苏成功后即刻的血糖变化趋势。研究共纳入了2005至2009年间170名经历复苏后入院存活的成年患者,这些患者均为旁观者目击的心源性心搏骤停并以心室颤动


     美国学者的一项研究表明,如果接受基于更新指南的心肺复苏(CPR),不可电击心搏骤停患者就更有可能生存。论文4月2日在线发表于《循环》(Circulation)杂志。   美国心脏学会于2005年更新了其CPR指南,推荐更少中断的更大程度胸外按压。2010年更新指南继续强调了胸外按压。2005年指南公布后,数项研究显示可电击心搏骤停生存率出现改善。然而,新证据表明大部分心搏骤停为对电击