
2013-01-14 Lancet CMT 程蓓 编译

  一项横断面研究显示,育龄女性糖尿病和肥胖发病率升高与巨大儿出生增多平行相关。论文2013年1月4日在线发表于《柳叶刀》(Lancet)杂志。   研究分析了276436次单胎活产或新发死产,结果表明产妇年龄较大(20~34岁)、身材较高、产次较多、体质指数较高、患糖尿病、过期妊娠及男性胎儿,均与巨大儿发生危险的显著增加相关。巨大儿与因难产和过期妊娠而引发剖宫产,以及孕产妇分娩不良转归的危险增




Macrosomia in 23 developing countries: an analysis of a multicountry, facility-based, cross-sectional survey


Macrosomia is a risk factor for adverse delivery outcomes. We investigated the prevalence, risk factors, and delivery outcomes of babies with macrosomia in 23 developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


We analysed data from WHO's Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health, which was a facility-based cross-sectional study that obtained data for women giving birth in 373 health facilities in 24 countries in Africa and Latin America in 2004—05, and in Asia in 2007—08. Facilities were selected by stratified multistage cluster sampling and women were recruited at admission for delivery. We extracted data from the medical records with a standardised questionnaire. We used logistic regression with random effects to assess the risk factors for macrosomia and the risks for caesarean section and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes (assessed by a composite score) in babies with the disorder.


Of 290 610 deliveries, we analysed data for 276 436 singleton livebirths or fresh stillbirths. Higher maternal age (20—34 years), height, parity, body-mass index, and presence of diabetes, post-term pregnancy, and male fetal sex were associated with a significantly increased risk of macrosomia. Macrosomia was associated with an increased risk of caesarean section because of obstructed labour and post-term pregnancy in all regions. Additionally, macrosomia was associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal birth outcomes in all regions, and of adverse perinatal outcomes only in Africa.


Increasing prevalence of diabetes and obesity in women of reproductive age in developing countries could be associated with a parallel increase in macrosomic births. The effect and feasibility of control of diabetes and preconception weight on macrosomia should be investigated in these settings. Furthermore, increased institutional delivery in countries where rates are low could be crucial to reduce macrosomia-associated morbidity and mortality.



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  意大利的一项荟萃研究提示,糖尿病与抑郁风险显著增加相关。文章认为糖尿病与抑郁症相关的病理机制值得进一步探讨。相关论文2012年12月26日在线发表于《糖尿病研究与临床实践》杂志(Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice)。   该荟萃研究使用关键词“糖尿病和抑郁或糖尿病和抗抑郁药”检索Medline,选择那些

Diabetes Care:糖尿病增高骨折相关住院风险

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